Saturday 29 September 2018

Ten Little Sparrows

Ten little sparrows
found a nest
on a dusty way.

Younger one laid eggs.
Western rain
covered nest with pools
of water

Then came fire!
It consumed forest
Terrified those sparrows,

A hurricane of thunder
uprooted their shelter

Younger sparrow flew away,
though burned half.

Abandoned eggs wept in vain.

Chapatti and Potato curry

It was a holiday.The koels and the parrots in the jack fruit tree started to sing. Like that they welcomed the dawn.The rose flowers in the garden began to dance in the breeze. Some butterflies were roaming here and there. 

Noel did not wake up that day. His mother was in kitchen. His father was not there as he went to market. Whenever his father or mother asked him to wake up, he had an excuse. He would say, " Father, come and sleep here. My god! what a frozen cool it is! Switch of the fan, please."

His mother knew certain weakness of him. He was fond of chapatti and potato curry. He liked to see how to prepare the curry also. So she told once, " if you can't wake up before six' o clock, I won't prepare your potato curry and you won't see your favorite dish" Hearing this he  started to forget his sleep. 

Cute Kitty

Pretty little kitten
sits on a table
watches and watches
Tom and Jerry in TV
Eats and eats egg and fish.

Shh.. Shh.. Shh
Kitty listens a sound

Kitty hears a crying sound
Kitty watches  the kitchen
Kitty jumps at the courtyard.

Kitty sees a sparrow
Kitty sees a sparrow
A wounded wounded sparrow
A Weeping weeping  sparrow

Kitty brings a towel
Kitty brings a vicco balm
Kitty brings some water.

Kitty pours that water
Kitty cleans the wound
Kitty balms the wound

“Thanks” says the sparrow.
“Love you” tells the sparrow.
Can you tell me what will Kitty say then?

അല്പം എഴുതാം, എന്തേ?

ഇവിടെ English മാത്രം മതി എന്ന് കരുതിയതാണ് . ഇത് പക്ഷേ reading material അല്ല. അതുകൊണ്ട് പെട്ടെന്ന് മനസിലാകാൻ writing.. ന് പറ്റിയ  ചില കാര്യങ...