Pretty little kitten
sits on a table
watches and watches
Tom and Jerry in TV
Eats and eats egg and fish.
Shh.. Shh.. Shh
Kitty listens a sound
Kitty hears a crying soundKitty listens a sound
Kitty watches the kitchen
Kitty jumps at the courtyard.
Kitty sees a sparrow
Kitty sees a sparrow
A wounded wounded sparrow
A Weeping weeping sparrow
Kitty brings a towel
Kitty brings a vicco balm
Kitty brings some water.
Kitty pours that water
Kitty cleans the wound
Kitty balms the wound
“Thanks” says the sparrow.
“Love you” tells the sparrow.
Can you tell me what will Kitty say then?
" Kitty may say Love you too..Take care dear"